About E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
4707 E Truman Rd
Kansas City, MO 64127
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(816) 924-8700
(816) 924-8700
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Price list for E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
These prices were last updated by someone at E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel on August 08, 2019. This is not a comprehensive list of all services offered.
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Official prices for a Burial with a Viewing, Embalming, and a Traditional Service
This estimated price list contains information from publicly available data online and user-submitted pricing (marked with a yellow dot). It was not published by the business itself. You should always contact the business to confirm pricing information.
For some items and services, we may be missing business-specific data. In those cases, we use average costs (marked with a blue dot) to help you get a sense of potential total prices. Contact the business to get actual pricing information.
Basic services This is the fee for the basic organizational services that the funeral home will provide. This fee is generally mandatory. | $2,100 |
Transportation of the deceased This is the fee for the funeral home to come pick up your loved one and bring him/her to the funeral home for preparation. | $285 |
Embalming This is the fee for the embalming process. Embalming is generally not required if proper refrigeration is available. | $750 |
Staff for viewing or visitation This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a visitation or viewing. This is generally required if you would like to hold a viewing and visitation at the funeral home or if you will be needing any assistance from the staff. | $560 |
Staff for funeral or memorial service This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a funeral or memorial service. This is generally required if you would like to hold the service at the funeral home or if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service. | $310 |
Staff for graveside service This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a graveside service. This is generally required if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service. | $250 |
Use of a hearse This is the fee to transport your loved one from the funeral home to funeral events (or between events) in a hearse. | $425 |
Body prep This is the fee for additional preparation of the body, such as dressing and casketing. | $340 |
Casket This is the cost to purchase a casket from the funeral home. You may choose to purchase a casket online or elsewhere, if you'd wish. | $695 |
Burial vault This is the cost to purchase a burial vault from the funeral home. A burial vault is required for most cemeteries, but you may choose to purchase one online or elsewhere, if you'd wish. | $1,050 |
Flowers This is a common price to purchase funeral flowers. You may purchase flowers through the funeral home or separately, if you wish. | $300 - |
Printed programs This is the fee to purchase printed funeral programs. You may purchase programs through the funeral home or elsewhere, if you wish. | $275 - |
Total estimated cost (minimum) | $7,340 & Up |
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Frequently asked questions
Answered by E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
What makes you different from other funeral homes?
Second generation, Family owned business who views each family as an opportunity to fulfill our ministry to serve the greater community.
Other questions? Give them a call: (816) 924-8700 (816) 924-8700
what is the cost of burial plot and opening and closing of the grave? – Gertrude L. C.
E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
cost of cemetery plot and opening and closing of the grave? – Gertrude L. C.
E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
cost of burial plot in the cemetery? – Gertrude L. C.
E.S. Eley & Sons Funeral Chapel
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